As an eCommerce business, website conversion rate is likely one of your most important metrics. Therefore, testing ways to increase conversion rates is a common focus for many companies. Providing the proper eCommerce website support can be crucial to improving and maintaining your conversion rate.

Simplify Your Checkout Experience

One of the most important things to consider as an eCommerce website is the number of steps in the checkout process. Do you have a simple checkout flow? Or do customers need to provide a lot of information to place their order? A complicated checkout can result in customers abandoning their cart and purchasing elsewhere. Moreover, by simplifying this experience, your customer can place their order quickly and move on with their day. An easy checkout flow is beneficial for them and your business.

Offer Your Customer a Discount

Price is likely a common factor in your customer’s decision-making process, which can also be why your customer purchases. If it makes sense for your business, offer your customers a discount to help them complete the purchase. A pop-up window when users exit the page or a cart abandon email flow is a great way to drive conversions. Even a 10% off coupon can move the needle for your conversion rate, for example.

Leverage High-Quality Images on Your Product Pages

Nothing says unprofessional like a blurry product photo. Clear photos and videos on your product pages will increase trust with your customers. Plus, photos and videos are an easy way to highlight the details of your product or various use cases. High-quality images can help increase your conversion rate by increasing your customer’s confidence in their purchase. 

Set Up a Customer Service Chat for 24/7 eCommerce Website Support

An easy way to engage a customer who is browsing your website is through chat support. There are several ways to set up a chat function on your eCommerce site. On many websites, for instance, chatbots are becoming more popular. However, creating a chatbot can be a heavy lift for your development and support teams. Establishing a chat for eCommerce website support with your team is a great way to answer customer questions quickly.

A/B Test Messaging on Your Website

Your website is the face of your brand and establishes trust with your customers. It’s essential to remain consistent on your website. However, one of the best ways to understand your customer is by testing your messaging. Identify the products that have a low conversion rate and start testing your on-page copy. See if a different phrase on the call-to-action or add-to-cart button will increase your company’s conversion rate. 

Outsource eCommerce Website Support with Millennial Services

Are you looking for an excellent customer service chat option? Millennial Services provides highly trained, outsourced agents who will learn about and advocate for your business. Our experienced agents can provide support with order processing, returns, quality assurance, and more. Plus, we train our teams on various eCommerce platforms and help your customers feel confident about their choice to purchase with your company. Contact Millennial Services for more information today!